Auch wenn ich meinen flickr-Account kaum noch nutze zum Fotos online stellen (meine aktuellen Bilder liegen bei ipernity), so hab ich doch weiterhin fleißig Favoriten gesammelt, wenn mir denn Bilder aufgefallen sind und besonders gut gefallen haben. Wieviel tolle kreative Menschen doch dort versammelt sind! Seht doch einmal selbst:

1. In between project .. , 2. kitty, 3. Happy Village drawstring bag, 4. Little People Doll – Girl, 5. Sail Away Boats: Holiday on the Island of Flowers and Fruit four with names, 6. Móbile de passarinhos, 7. Gnome's House Hand Bag, 8. Gift From Liz, 9. the wonderful front of the placemat, 10. Snail Brooch, 11. Sheep Pillow Cover, 12. on the line...dotty, 13. bag, 14. jeanbag, 15. My creation, 16. Pink Peonies Quilted Clutch

1. linen lap quilt, 2. tickertape doll quilt, 3. Glorious Patchwork quilt, 4. flea market fancy star mini quilt, 5. It all goes together quite nicely!, 6. Finished Quilt, 7. A quilt, 8. Tessellation Quilts, 9. Gelati Log Cabin Quilt Top, 10. Squares quilt, 11. a quilt for my brother., 12. Miniature Doll Quilt . Hexagons for Hitty , 13. Sarah's quilt , 14. Finished quilt top, 15. Half Square Triangles Galore, 16. Quilting Detail
1. crochet trim on pillowcase..., 2. Chinese touch, 3. crochet ripples, African flower, leaf, 4. Sunburst granny square pillow, 5. stool cover detail, 6. 08-18-08 Granny square afghan, 7. bubble wrapped pencils, 8. new ripple project, 9. babette blanket - finished!, 10. Where the Wild Fings Are, 11. granny squares, 12. color bomb!, 13. Untitled, 14. crochet, 15. Where the Wild Fings Are, 16. Babette-ish crochet cushion

1. In between project .. , 2. kitty, 3. Happy Village drawstring bag, 4. Little People Doll – Girl, 5. Sail Away Boats: Holiday on the Island of Flowers and Fruit four with names, 6. Móbile de passarinhos, 7. Gnome's House Hand Bag, 8. Gift From Liz, 9. the wonderful front of the placemat, 10. Snail Brooch, 11. Sheep Pillow Cover, 12. on the line...dotty, 13. bag, 14. jeanbag, 15. My creation, 16. Pink Peonies Quilted Clutch

1. linen lap quilt, 2. tickertape doll quilt, 3. Glorious Patchwork quilt, 4. flea market fancy star mini quilt, 5. It all goes together quite nicely!, 6. Finished Quilt, 7. A quilt, 8. Tessellation Quilts, 9. Gelati Log Cabin Quilt Top, 10. Squares quilt, 11. a quilt for my brother., 12. Miniature Doll Quilt . Hexagons for Hitty , 13. Sarah's quilt , 14. Finished quilt top, 15. Half Square Triangles Galore, 16. Quilting Detail

1. crochet trim on pillowcase..., 2. Chinese touch, 3. crochet ripples, African flower, leaf, 4. Sunburst granny square pillow, 5. stool cover detail, 6. 08-18-08 Granny square afghan, 7. bubble wrapped pencils, 8. new ripple project, 9. babette blanket - finished!, 10. Where the Wild Fings Are, 11. granny squares, 12. color bomb!, 13. Untitled, 14. crochet, 15. Where the Wild Fings Are, 16. Babette-ish crochet cushion
tinG - 15. Jun, 14:29